何謂企圖心/念力設定,以及企圖心/念力設定扮演的角色 Intention企圖心,念力設定 “Intention is cause. Without intention nothing can be accomplished. With intent 591ion, almost anything can be accomplished — perhaps anything can be.企圖心是因. 膠原蛋白有企圖心幾乎可以成就大部分的事—或許就是可以成就所有事. “Intention is like a landmark.企圖心是路標 買屋 Sometimes obstacles would get in your way. Sometimes they would even hide the mountain from you. But you would not forget 酒店打工to look for the mountain. You would know that you could not reach the mountain by forgetting its existence. 有時候,障礙出現了.有時候它們會將你的目標隱?會場佈置簸_來. 但你不會忘記尋找山頂. “In thought, we sometimes forget to look for the mountain. Naturally, we cannot accomplish anything if we do not intend to accomplish an 保濕面膜ything. And intending is a continuous process.在思想上,我們有時會忘記尋找山頂.自然地,我們將無法成就任何事,如果我們沒有企圖. 並且,企圖是一種持續的過程. “When you are engaged in the task 網路行銷of making the world sane, you have to keep your eyes on the mountain. You have to know that you are making the world sane. There are advantages to getting the job done. You intend to do it, and you intend to do it a 借貸s quickly as it can be done. The intention is what causes the job to get done. All the steps that follow the intention are just technical details.當你從事於讓世界變得更好的工作,你必須保持看著山頂. 你必須知道你正在做讓世界變得更好的工作. 如 酒店經紀此會有利於將事情完成. 你有企圖心地去做它,然後你有企圖心地盡快做完它. 企圖心是完成一件事的因. 在因之後的所有步驟都僅屬於技術性事宜. .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 西裝外套  .

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